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Bookmarks Updater (bmu)

This program is used to create a HTML Page with updated bookmarks pulled from IE, Mozilla, or Netscape favorites\bookmarks.

A secondary focus is using the script to push the updated file out to a website so that you will always have access to your bookmarks were ever you are.
Note: Intended to only work with Windows NT4\2000\XP and Linux, it will have to be modified to work with other OSes.

bmu version 0.1

Everything on this site is copyrighted by me and cannot be reproduced without my written consent. I take no responsibility for anyone who wants to do something stupid, or does something stupid because of what they read here. If you are an idiot you deserve what you get!

Copyrighted by Jeff Wolf ©2001-2003

Version 0.2

Linux Registered User# 150309